Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Crayonhearts.JPGHappy Valentine's Day!! Bran helped me to make these cards for his preschool class. I got the idea from here. Baking the first batch was a little exciting because it dripped more than I expected, and the tray I had placed underneath was not sufficient to catch all the drippings. Long story short, I needed to clean the oven that night.

Bran gave them to his class yesterday, and it turned out that they were the only handmade cards of the group. I don't regret making them, since he enjoyed it, and it gave us a fun activity to do together.

In knitting news, I managed to finish the left front of Arwen. I left the shoulder sts on a holder instead of binding off so that I could use 3-needle bind off when the back is done. arwenleftfront.JPG I also cast the stitches for the sleeve and the hood directly onto the front using knitted cast-on, instead of doing backward loop cast-on on the empty needle. Hopefully it will all work out in the end.

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