Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Tailored Scallops' sleeves are finished. Now all I have to do is knit the back, block it all and sew it together. If I were making this for someone who didn't have difficulty with her hands, I would probably gift a brooch of some sort to go with the sweater. I have thought about buying a Clever Clasp and seeing if I could somehow attach some beads and make a nifty, easy to close fastener for the sweater. Maybe I'll be compelled if the finished product is crying out for closure. Otherwise, it would probably be best to make the sweater as easy as possible for my MIL to put on herself.

Along the same lines, there seem to be so few products on the market that cater to elderly and handicapped people. iPods are a great size for those who are able to press the tiny buttons and see the small screen, but it would be great if there were some sort of a larger version so that those with failing eyesight and clumsy fingers could also carry some entertainment along for the ride.

1 comment:

Maggie Tipping said...

Oh I know what you mean. I am an occupational therapist so I work with people with all sorts of disabilities. Sometimes it can be the little things that really disable people.