Monday, March 03, 2008

One down

DSC_0004.JPG I managed to finish sock #1 today during the boys' rest time. It is rather thick, but comfy, and I could easily see the pair ending up as a favorite to wear around the house, whenever I finish the other one. I can see how knitters would be enthralled by making socks. They take a relatively small time to finish, they are a great project for travel, using luxury yarn would not break the bank and the measurements can easily be personalized, making them a special gift unlike anything you would find in a store. But before I toot the sock horn any more, lets see if I actually finish the other one.

1 comment:

earthchick said...

Ah yes, finishing the second sock, that's always the rub! The sock looks great, and it deserves a mate, so I'm sure you'll make it happen.

I'm a long-time friend of Kevin Spears and he sent me a link to your blog through Facebook. As a fellow fiber addict, knitblogger, and mom to two boys, I of course had to check it out. So hello! I'm adding you to my Google Reader now. :)