Friday, January 30, 2009

Strep Carrier

Bran had scarlet fever 2 weeks ago, and took Amoxicillin for a full 10 days. Therefore we were a little surprised when he was sent home from school today with a low-grade fever and a sore throat. The doctor tested him for strep, and sure enough, it came back positive.

Abe, who seemed completely healthy, was also with us at the doctor's. We thought it was strange that Abe never caught the scarlet fever from Bran since it is so contagious, and the boys share a room. So we had Abe tested for strep, and it turns out that he is a strep carrier. This means that he can have strep but show no symptoms whatsoever, and he can pass strep to people around him without anyone having a clue that he is infected. Needless to say, both boys are now on antibiotics. Hopefully this will be the end of strep for the year.

I did mange to finish the left front of Old Penny, and hope to get something done on the right front this evening. The directions leave much for the knitter to decipher.

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